Ashikaga's Frog

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Ashikaga's Frog
True Wild Life | Ishikawa's Frog | Ishikawa's Frog is that the most stunning frog in Japan. Forests area unit disappearing and rivers have become dirty. Ishikawa's frog is in peril. Amphibians have hassle ever-changing once their surroundings changes. they need a purple and inexperienced pattern that appears like nonvascular plant. It hides them from their enemies.

The population of Okinawajima is selected as a natural monument by Okinawa and Kagoshima Prefectures, however there remains a requirement for improved protection of forest environs on each Okinawajima and Amamioshima.
Ishikawa's Frog solely lives on Okinawa's main island, and could be a terribly special frog. Some individuals believe they're Japan's most stunning frog. Ishikawa's Frog desires little mountain streams in forests to measure. However, forests area unit disappearing and rivers have become dirty. Ishikawa's Frog cannot live safely. Their numbers have become smaller, and that we worry regarding their disappearance within the future. to prevent the disappearance of Ishikawa's Frog, severe rules regarding catching and caring for them were created. But, that is not enough to avoid wasting Ishikawa's Frog. Frogs area unit amphibians, and area unit terribly sensitive to changes in surroundings. we have a tendency to should refund the rivers, forests, and therefore the close nature to Ishikawa's Frog.



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